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learn Islam for kids in UK

learn Islam for kids in UK

It is important for children to understand the basics of Islam. It helps them to live a religious and devoted life. By learning about Islam, children can pray, be kind, and know how to follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Today we share all the basics of Islam that you and your child must learn from scratch.

There are many important things that children should know about Islam. They need to learn about the basic concepts and origins of Islam, why Kalimashahada is important, the pillars of Islam such as prayers and donations to charities, and special days and holidays in Islam. If you want to know more about isalmic research for kids, keep reading and exploring.

The Basics of Islam for children to learn and understand Islam

Basic Concepts and Origins of Islam

Islam is a religion that teaches about 1 God called Allah. It began in the 7th century in the city of Mecca, located in modern Saudi Arabia. The founder of Islam is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was born in 570 AD. When Muhammad was about 40 years old, he received a message from Allah through the angel Gabriel. This message, called the Koran, contains the teachings of Islam.

The basic concept of Islam is to believe in one God and follow the teachings of Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet sent by Allah to guide mankind. Islam is kind and just and teaches about helping others. Muslims pray 1-1-1-5 times a day and try to live according to the teachings of the Koran and Hadith (the sayings and actions of Muhammad).

The importance of Kalima shahada as a Muslim

Kalima shahada said: “La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammadur Raslallah.”””

In the first part “La ilaha illallah”, Muslims declare that there is no God but Allah. It emphasizes the belief in the oneness of Allah (SWT), which is the foundation of Islam. In Part 2 “Muhammadul Rasulullah”, Muslims confirm that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). It recognizes the importance of following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in living a righteous life.

Teach children about the Pillars of Islam

Islamic studies for kindergarten teachers are mainly because they are like a building block of the Muslim faith, they are pleasing to Allah (SWT) and are able to teach themselves.

The Shahada proclaims the belief in the oneness of Allah (SWT) and the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH).
performs 5 daily prayers to connect with Allah (SWT).
Zakat gives charity to those in need and is usually part of their wealth.
Fast fasting during the month of Ramadan as a form of self-discipline and spiritual reflection.
Hajj If possible, make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once in your lifetime.

Important Days of Islam (holidays)

The help of an explanation of the importance of Islam, they commemorate important events in the history of the faith and help Muslims deepen their spirituality and connection with Allah (SWT).

Ramadan 9th month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar month of fasting from dawn to sunset to commemorate the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The celebration of the 1st day of Eid al・Fitr Shawal (10th month of the Islamic Calendar) marks the end of Ramadan with prayers, feasts and charitable donations.
Eid Al-Hija 10th Dhu Al-Hija (12th month of the Islamic Calendar) The Festival of Sacrifice is a celebration of the (Abraham’s) sacrifice of his son Prophet Ibrahim for the (SWT) command of Allah.
Mawlid al-Nabi12Th Rabi’al-awwal (3 months of the Islamic Calendar) celebrates the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with prayers and gatherings to learn about his life and teachings.

The Importance of Reading the Quran

It is very important to read the Quran because it is like a guidebook for Muslims. It teaches us how to live a good life and be kind to others. The Quran has 114 chapters called surahs and more than 6,000 verses called ayahs. It is written in Arabic, but translated into many languages so that everyone can understand it.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Your best thing is the one who learns the Koran and teaches it.””This hadith shows how valuable the Koran is in Islam. Reading it will help us learn about Allah (SWT) and his teachings.

Important prophetic stories from the Koran

They teach valuable lessons and morals, so it is essential to learn important prophetic stories from the Koran. These stories inspire us to be better people and understand the wisdom of Allah (SWT).

Adam (As) The first human being was created by Allah (SWT), taught about repentance and forgiveness, and placed in paradise.
Nuh Nuh (AS) built the ark to save believers from the flood, demonstrating the importance of faith and patience.
Ibrahim (AS), tested by Allah (SWT) in various trials, including his willingness to sacrifice his son, symbolizes unwavering faith.
Musamsa (AS) led the Israelites out of Egypt, received the Ten Commandments, and emphasized courage and obedience.
Isa (AS) was born to Mary (AS) without a father, performed miracles and preached about love and compassion.
Muhammad (PBUH) The last Prophet who received the Quran exemplifies mercy, kindness and devotion to Allah (SWT).

Faith in Angels

The belief of angels is important because they are special beings created by Allah (SWT) to carry out his commands and protect us. Knowing about angels helps us understand the invisible world and strengthens our faith in the power and mercy of Allah (SWT).

Jibril, also known as Gabriel (as), he brought Allah’s (SWT) message to the prophet including the Koran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Mikail (AS) is responsible for providing nutrition and nutrition so that the Blessings of Allah (SWT) reach all living beings.
The Israel Phil (AS) blows the trumpet on the Day of Judgment, signaling the end of the world and the resurrection of all beings.
Munkar and Nakir ask the souls in the grave about their faith and deeds, leading them to their eternal destiny in the afterlife.

Faith in the Day of Judgment

Judgment Day beliefs are important because they remind us that our actions have consequences and that one day we will be held accountable for them. It motivates us to do good deeds and avoid wrongdoing, knowing that we will face Allah’s (SWT) judgment.

Allah says in the Quran,

“So those who do the weight of the good atom will see it, and those who do the weight of the evil atom will see it.(Quran 99:7-8)

This verse emphasizes that there is nothing we are doing, whether small or large, to be overlooked by Allah (SWT) to be considered on the Day of Judgment.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

The first thing the servant will explain on the day of judgment is prayer. If it is sound, then his remaining acts will be sound. And if it is bad, then his remaining deeds will be bad.(Sunan al-Tirmidi 413)

This Hadith highlights the importance of the Day of Judgment and the importance of praying sincerely and properly, as well as the benefits of seeking knowledge of Islam.


Understanding the basics of Islam is very important for children to develop a strong spiritual foundation. From learning about the basic concepts and pillars of Islam to understanding the importance of important holidays and beliefs delving into prophetic narratives, the role of angels, and the Day of Judgment instills intrinsic value and promotes a deep connection with Allah (SWT).

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