Learn Quran Online

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The opportunity to Learn Quran Online in a simple way:

Through our academy, you can master the holy Quran in a short period and obtain ijazah (a license) with an excellent selection of teachers who have university degrees or ijazah with a link that goes back to the Messenger “may Allah bless him and grant him peace”.
The advantages of our teachers is not only the certificates, but also the experience and proficiency are the two factors that are found in all the Quran teachers at Arabic Window Academy and we sincerely seek to serve the students around the world in learning the most important and honorable book in existence.
And the goal is not only material gain, we also try to correct our intention and the intention of our teachers, so that our work is purely for the sake of Allah.

  • The holy Quran is the words of Allah that He revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him). It is the secret of success and prosperity for all humankind in this world.
  • Every Muslim has to recite the Quran correctly .Allah addressed His Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) Saying: “…And recite the Quran with measured recitation.” (Holy Quran 25:32).
  • We provide the best Learning the Quran course via Zoom, Skype or direct links with specialized instructors in the Quranic articulation points (Tajweed), memorization and Recitation.
  • The Quran online memorization courses will help you to recite and beautify your voice while reading the Holy Quran.
  • We offer you the possibility to obtain an Ijazah. through voice or video methods in a simplified manner.
  • By learning Quran with tajweed with us ,you will be able to recite the Quran and understand it by learning the Quranic Articulation points (Tajweed).
  • The quran karim course we offer is suitable for all levels .
  • The student can choose from a group of books of Quranic recitation which appropriate to his / her level, such as the book of Fath Al-Rahman Fi Ta’leem Kalemat Al-Rahman or the pictured Quranic recitation book or the book of Al-Burhan or any other book that suits his / her level.
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Books we use:

Taysir Al-rahman Fi Tajweed Al-Quran: by Dr. Suad Abdul Hamid :

this book uses the narration of Hafs, which is used to recite Quran, with the ease of style, the expression and clarity of the words. it has many examples that makes it easy for the student to understand Tajweed faster.

At-Tajweed Al-Musawwar: by Dr. Ayman Sweed

This is one of the most useful books in teaching Tajweed . It is a detailed book of the rules and has many benefits that a student can be improved clearly after studying it. This book is preferred for intermediate and advanced levels.

Al-basit Fi Ilm At-Tajweed: by Sheikh Badr Hanafi: this book explains the rules in a simplified and clear way. It is used for only beginners and middle level.

This book is characterized by a gradual explanation of the rules through examples.

Tajweed Rules of The Quran: by Karima Carol Ekin: It is an outstanding book to explain the rules of Tajweed in English to suit the Muslims who speak English around the world.
It is using an easy way in explaining the rules through many examples, that makes it easy for all student to comprehend.

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