
Online methods for Memorize Quran Fast And Easily

Memorize Quran Fast And Easily

The significance of reciting and memorizing the Quran cannot be adequately expressed in writing or words. It is truly a source of immense mercy and enlightenment for humanity. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has mentioned in Surah Yunus verse 57: 

“O mankind, there has to come to your instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.”

This highlights the importance of the Quran, and every believer aspires to memorize it. This may seem challenging due to our busy schedules or lack of discipline, but with advancements in technology, memorizing the Quran can be made easier. 

Memorizing the Quran requires a sincere intention (Niyyah), as well as strong dedication and discipline. Enrolling in an online course or program for memorizing the Quran provides a structured routine for memorizing it online.

Memorizing the Quran online is a highly convenient method as we have easy access to the best Quran teachers worldwide. Learning Quran memorization online with the guidance of an expert teacher can accelerate our learning process. The advantages of learning from an online Quran teacher include personalized interaction, set schedules, enhanced comprehension, individual problem-solving, and much more.

The most effective method to memorize the Quran

There are also alternative methods to memorize the Quran online such as using applications, watching videos, and listening to recitations. Self-learning Quran memorization can be effective for individuals who possess strong determination and discipline. Nevertheless, it does have some disadvantages, including the lack of personal interaction with teachers.

Allah (AWT) said in Surah Al-Qamar:

“And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?”

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The likeness of the one who reads Quran and memorizes it is that he is with the righteous honorable scribes. The likeness of the one who reads it and tries hard to memorize it even though it is difficult to him, he will have two rewards.”

Quickest Method to Memorize the Quran

Setting goals is seen as the essential initial stage in accomplishing the desire to memorize the Quran and makes the process of learning the Holy Quran easier. It assists in focusing your attention and increasing your motivation to successfully complete the memorization of the Quran.

What are some effective techniques for quickly and easily memorizing the Quran in a short amount of time?

Many people often ask how they can memorize the Quran faster. Here are some useful tips to help you memorize the Quran quickly:

  1. Formulate a firm intention or neeyah to commit the Quran to memory.

    The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, deeds are only with intentions and every person will have only what they intended.” Therefore, it is crucial to have a strong intention to memorize the Quran. Don’t forget to write it down on your pinboard or planners so that you are reminded of it every time you look at your schedule.

2- Make sure your intentions are known to your heart.

To memorize the Quran quickly and easily online, it is important to make your heart fully focused on it. Ensure that your heart is pure and devoid of negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, and enmity towards others. Cultivating good virtues and manners will cleanse your heart from negative feelings and make it more open to receiving positive ones.

3- Create a dedicated area for memorizing the Quran

To begin anew, designate a dedicated space for your Quran memorization sessions. Enhance it by adorning it with the names of Allah, Quranic verses, or Surahs to inspire yourself to memorize the Quran. Additionally, you can have a blank board to jot down Quranic ayahs for review purposes.

4- Start memorizing the Quran in the morning

To make Quran learning and memorizing easier, it is recommended to wake up early and take your lessons. According to science, our energy levels are high and our minds are clear in the morning. Utilizing the time after the Fajr Salah can be beneficial for memorizing the Quran. It is also helpful to break down your memorization into smaller goals for more efficient learning.

5- Make revisions to the Quran following the Tahajjud prayer.

We are all aware of the significance of praying during the last third of the night. It was a practice of Prophet Muhammad and is considered one of the most advantageous times. After performing Tahajjud prayer, one can also review the Quran, which will provide the dual benefit of revision and the reward of praying during the last third of the night.

6- Do not Despair when you fall

Memorizing the Quran necessitates dedication and perseverance. There might be instances where you struggle to recall a specific word in a verse. On other occasions, you may fall ill and be unable to engage in practice. In such circumstances, it is always possible to turn to Allah in prayer. Offer numerous supplications to Allah during such times and rely on His divine assistance to facilitate your journey.

7- Begin with the fundamentals and the foundations

To make the process of memorizing the Quran easier for you, it is important to have a strong foundation. Start by thoroughly understanding the intricate details of the Arabic letters. Focus on their recitation and pronunciation. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the distinctions between phonetics, alphabets, and dots in order to excel in Quran memorization.

8- Sign up for a beneficial program/course or look for an online Quran teacher.

Under the correct guidance and through one-on-one interaction, the process of memorizing the Quran can be simplified. This approach can enhance your understanding of even the minutest details and enable you to effectively address all your inquiries and concerns.

9- Take some time to recite the ayahs when you have free time.

Make use of your spare time by reciting the verses. You can simply shut your eyes and reflect on all the things you have learned in your previous lessons. You can randomly select a chapter that you learned a month ago and recite it during your free time to verify your memorization.

10- Implementing Salah in your daily routine

While reciting the Salah and prayers, the significance of memorizing the Quran becomes evident. Memorizing the Quran not only enhances the beauty of our Salah but also enables us to fully concentrate. It eliminates all distractions and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes.

11- Use the time between Asr and Maghrib prayers

The time between Asr and Maghrib prayers is typically brief. If you want to strengthen your connection with Allah SWT, make sure to make the most of this time, particularly on Fridays. Use this short period to memorize the Quran or for revision.

12- Listen, read and contemplate the Quran

Strengthen your interest by listening to scholars. Recite the verses with them. Memorize the Quran in a way that you can relate to it even in your daily life. Fully connect yourself with it and memorize the Quran in its true essence. Reflecting on what you read and listen to can make Quran memorization easier. The more deeply you understand its meaning, the more deeply it will be ingrained in your mind.

13- Engage in conversations about the Quran with your friends

When memorizing the Quran, it becomes easier when done with friends. It can be done collectively or individually, and discussing it can lead to interactive, useful, and knowledgeable sessions.

14- Create engaging quizzes for the weekends

To make memorizing the Quran easier, one can prepare interactive quizzes. These quizzes can be scheduled on weekends or specific days of the month for the group. They can consist of activities such as completing ayahs, identifying specific surahs, their names, and the number of ayahs.

15- Maintain focus on your primary objective

Keep persevering even when memorizing the Quran feels overwhelming. Seek assistance from online Quran teachers, remain patient, engage in abundant practice, maintain purity, and strive to please Allah. Stay optimistic about future lessons and continue revising to ensure retention.


The ultimate goal of Arabic window is to facilitate fast and easy online memorization of the Quran. Our knowledgeable and experienced online Quran teachers ensure that memorizing the Quran online becomes a valuable asset for our learners. We pay attention to every aspect of Quran memorization, aiming for it to benefit us in this world and the hereafter, In Sha Allah.

Arabic window offers the finest Tajweed Tutors who will assist you in achieving your objective of learning the Quran with Tajweed online, for the purpose of improving both your worldly life and the hereafter.

If you are looking to learn Quranic Arabic, enroll in Hifz Quran classes online, take online Quran recitation courses, online Quran Tajweed course, or even Quran for beginners’ courses, you have come to the right place. We offer a special variety of online Quran classes.

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