
Arabic letters in other languages

Arabic letters in other languages

Many of the non-Arabic countries use Arabic letters in the writings of their mother languages. Also, they add some letters that are not used by the Arabs themselves to fit All articulation points of letters in these languages, such as, the use of the Persian language of the Arabic letter (kaaf – ك). To pronounce the letter (kaaf – ك) in both Persian and Arabic as same, and they use the Persian letter (kaaf with fat-ha – كَ) to pronounce the letter (light ‘”jeem” – ج) as it pronounced in Cairo (geem), by a certain way. they used the letter (kaaf – ك ) twice to fit its pronunciation in both languages and its pronunciation as light “jeem – ج” in Persian.
Speakers of these languages previously used the Arabic letters in writing because these languages weren`t being written.
They used Arabic letters in writing because Arabic is their second language or the language of their Holy Quran or because the Arabic language is the only language they connected to it, so they wrote with its letters.
However, the most powerful reason was that education in the past was a religious one; they were writing in Arabic letters any language they speak, which led the Arabic written to become the most spreading handwriting throughout the Middle Ages.

We mention here the most important languages that still using the Arabic letters, is the “very known Persian” in Iran and the middle of Asia to present.
Today, the Kurdish language in the north of Iraq and some other neighboring countries, as well as the Urdu language, which is been in India and Pakistan, and many other languages are writing in Arabic scripts and letters.

It becomes very important to learn the Arabic letters because these letters are international Alphabet, especially with the spreading of learning Arabic by Arab teachers.

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