
The importance of learning dialogue and the communicative language teaching

the communicative language teaching

Dialogue and speech are the most important skills

There is no doubt that learning dialogue in the Arabic language is an important goal if not the biggest goal for the student of the Arabic language.

Dialogue and speech are the most important skills that the student must master, the linguistic and grammatical adequacy is not sufficient to enable the student to master the language, the linguistic or grammatical sum, for example, is not enough for the student to speak and converse with others, or to communicate what is inside of him to others.

This does not mean that we underestimate the linguistic outcome or grammar, rather, we mean that the learner applies what he has learned in linguistics or grammar to serve the most important goal, which is dialogue, so he can have a way of communicating with others everywhere, starting from the place of study with the teacher and his colleagues, in the street, in the shopping places, or even with other students from the family who are learning the Arabic language.

The important role of the teacher in teaching dialogue

We should not overlook the pivotal and important role of the teacher in teaching dialogue to the student and communicating with others, the teacher has a great burden and an important role to activate the student’s linguistic and grammar skills to engage in dialogue with others in different situations and to have a good and proper way of communication. The teacher can, through explanation and practical training, transfer the student from linguistic and grammatical adequacy to speaking, communicating, and making a dialogue with others from the surrounding situations.

The student is the real language maker in conversational situations

The teacher is the closest person to the student and can understand him and determine his abilities to learn the language in a communicative way, the teacher can also understand the student’s history and native language so that he knows the student’s weaknesses and strengths to teach him to communicate properly. Many students have great linguistic and grammatical adequacy, but they cannot formulate a correct communicative sentence in a simple situation with others,
But the truth is that the role of the student is the most important in this method, despite the importance of the role of the teacher, as we mentioned. The student is the real language maker in conversational situations, and the teacher is nothing but a mentor and observer.

Learning dialogue and speech is the first goal of the communicative method

It is worth mentioning that learning dialogue or speech does not matter the accuracy of linguistic expression or the formulation of sentences as much important as correct and fast communication in situations.
Learning dialogue and speech is the first goal of the communicative method, rather it is the first goal of learning any language, especially learning dialogue in Arabic.
This skill is called the fruit, as dialogue and speech are the goal and fruit of learning a language. Finally, we mention the importance of taking into account individual differences between students, even if they are equal in the linguistic and grammatical outcomes as not all students have the ability to communicate in Arabic or communicate to the same extent, there is a student who can use his linguistic knowledge better than his colleague to activate the dialogue in Arabic for many reasons, it is not the place here to mention them, not to make this too long but certainly, we will talk about it later.

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